Saturday, September 18, 2010

Appropriate names for Hebrew Israelites

The first thing all Hebrew Israelites must know is that your name is not "Black Hebrew Israelites" or "African Hebrew Israelites". This is because we know the original Hebrews are black. It's like saying "BLack Negro" since both black and negro means the same thing. The appropriate names for the entire Nation of Israel are " Israelites" "Hebrews" "Hebrew Israelites" not Jewish people. But if you come from the tribe of Judah(So called Negro in U.S.A), you are a Jew or if you come from the tribe of Levi(so called Haitians,Lemba etc) you're a levite. As people of God, we must correct people when they call us with unappropriate names.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shalawam family are you gathering for the Tabernacle this yr what location.Shalawam Thawadah
