Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opening of the shabbat

When openning the shabbat, it is always good to sing few songs. It doesn't matter in what language you sing but it's always advisable to sing in our forefather's language, Hebrew.Make sure the song is appropriate with the circumstance and that the song is about the shabbat. After that, read psalm 92(Tehilim 92) or Genesis 2:1-3(Bereshit 2:1), then pray. Don't do a 15 minutes pray making every sleep. Make a short 3-5 minutes prayer. If you know a temple, go there to worship or meet with Israelite brothers to read the bible. Avoid unessential conversations such as talking about politics,sports,women. Instead read the scriptures and that will help you.


  1. where is a temple to study at in orlando fla

  2. is there a phone number i can call in orlando fla. to get in touch with a hebrew bro.

  3. bro nearyah needs help to get in touch with a hebrew bro. in orlando fla. i dont have phone service right now but i can make contact
